Hessian and lace stacked wedding invitations with wooden inital heart rustic style

Wedding Invitation styles

Deciding on what style of Wedding Invitation you would like can seem really confusing. We're not talking about the design (colours, diamantes, lace ect) we're talking about the Style. 

You may have heard of Pocket fold, Laser cut, Cheque book, Z fold, Concertina, Gate fold, Stack.... the list goes on. 

I'm going to tell you what this all means and what might be included. Hopefully helping you decide on what would work best for you.

Pocket Fold

Pocket fold invites are one of the most common styles. They can be designed to suit any theme and hold every bit of information that you could wish for. They are also the perfect way to keep all the information in one place (the pocket thus the style name) Each sheet holds various Information so like the photo below you can see Accommodation, RSVP and Guest Information.

Laser Cut

Laser cut Invitations are named due to the fact the designs have been cut by a laser. These designs are often intricate and lend themselves to elegant themes. These also come with pocket fold finishes or as a gate fold (see below)

Cheque Book

Cheque book invites are Perfect if you have a lot of information as there is no limit on how many pages you can add (although remembering each additional page will add to their cost) Each page comes with a separate set of information and the RSVP is removable with a perforated section

Z fold / Concertina

Z Fold or Concertina Invitations hold lots of information on one sheet, as the name states they fold up onto themselves usually into A6 in size. This is the perfect way to keep your invites minimal but still provide plenty of information.

Gate Fold

We mentioned Gate fold previously, Lots of laser cut designs come like this but simple card versions are also available. The open up like a double gate would to reveal the information inside. This style often doesn't come with extra inserts but they can be added and with the help of a belly band they all stay together.


Stack invites are what they say, it is a stack of postcards usually wrapped with a band (belly band) of card, ribbon or hessian to hold them all together. These can be designed to suit any theme.

Post cards

These are the most simple invitations holding all your information on one card. Simple doesn't mean boring though, with so many options from foiled to embellished they can be truly beautiful.  


I hope this gives you a little more of an idea of whats available and what would suit your need the most. If you have any questions just pop onto chat and see what we can do to help.

Happy wedding planning and CONGRATULATIONS

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